AHLA Annual Meeting

Boston: June 26-29, 2011

From health policy to the minutiae of ACOs, antitrust, tax, and social media, the American Health Lawyers Association Annual meeting was replete with must-have information for the healthcare lawyers and consultants of the future. I was fortunate and delighted to be part of it.

One theme throughout many presentations began with the letter "C." Health system Changes are happening regardless of lawsuits. Collaborations of different kinds will be essential to achieve change that works well; and the collaborations won't happen simply by virtue of laws and regulations. Rather, Conflict management, healthy communications and use of mediative skills will be esential to facililtate such collaborations. The work has just begun!

Our (Jane Conard and my) presentation during the meeting on using mediative skills to achieve collaboration, to build and practice a conflict competent culture, was a part of that track. We urge adding healthcare lawyer-leaders to the ranks of physician-leaders and other professionals to assist the efforts.

Please contact me if you want to see some of our presentation materials or discuss the subject.

Jeanne Franklin