ADR CLE and Training
Program: Essential Mediative Skills Post Healthcare Reform: A Modified Mediation Model
When and Where: June 29, 2011 at the American Health Lawyers Association Annual Meeting in Boston
Franklin and Conard will expand upon ideas introduced in their EADRSolutions article posted above on this webiste. The AHLA Annual Meeting will contain latest information and advice on what the brave new world of healthcare will be pursuant to PPACA, and how to make it happen. This program, addressing one piece of the puzzle, is a practical "how to" make the changes to the system come about and work well for all concerned.
To register: Contact and look for Annual Meeting information.
Other: AHLA will schedule another healthcare mediation training for February 2012. Please check in for exact date and location.
And On a Separate Note:
A must-not-miss 2 hour ethics program for lawyers and mediators in Virginia has been set. Noted speakers on legal ethics and on ADR, Tom Spahn and John McCammon will share the podium on two separate occasions to present: "Spahn and McCammon: Together Again - The Ethics of Negotiating in Mediation." Mark your calendars for the Richmond program on September 14, 2011 at 3 PM and for the Northern Virginia program on September 21 at 3 PM. Sponsored by the Virginia Joint ADR Committee, information about this program may be obtained by contacting the Virginia Bar Association at