Health Care Reform: I
The news is out - PPACA (the health reform law) has been upheld as a constitutional exercise of the government's taxing authority. The fact is that a good deal of change has already begun; change now will proceed apace. But a real and fundamental question remains - how well will this massive reengineering of the healthcare delivery and payment system work across the board to deliver greater access and continually improving quality of care?
It is my firm and continuing opinion that dispute resolution, building bridges of understanding, and fostering better communication among all the players - physicians, leadership and management, nursing and allied health providers, patients - will be KEY to the success of the massive efforts. People cannot work well together on a sustained basis without growth of understanding, credibility, respect and trust. These are the bases that will support exchange of information, learning, and helping each other during the rough times to do the best job possible. We must preserve our valuable work force who have been organizing and delivering health care.
The quality of communications is an excellent place to start. And I am not speaking of electronic communications. I am speaking of the quality of interactions. Listening and learning. Concerted efforts and training in this area should not be overlooked by health facilities and systems in the press of trying to do so many other things.
Through EADRSolutions and through the American Health Lawyers ADR Service, we are making this training and coaching available. Spread the word and call. You will be pleased with what can be accomplished.